Megantik the new line from Italy

The Beastformers Blog rarely publishes any articles that are not directly related to the Battle Beasts line or its history let alone a completely new toy line which at first sight doesn´t have a whole lot to do with Battle Beasts at all. Is this new Megantik line that was, exclusively, released in Italy last month (March 2017) an exception to this rule or does it deserve its place out here on the Beastformers Blog?

POLPOP, a Cthulhu or Octillion Octupus inspired (?) figure, is one of the sculpts from the new Megantik line that is well received by many mini figure collectors.

Over the past period the Beastformers Team took its time to review this new line from Italy which seems to be very well received by various mini figure toy line collectors, not only Battle Beasts fans and collectors, all over the world. But is the line as good as it seems or are we desperately hoping for that one new toy line that might bring back the real Battle Beasts feel after the disappointment of the Beast Saga line?

We managed to ask some questions to the company who´s responsible for the design of the Megantik and gathered and translated all sorts of information about this line which has so far not been shared or has only been available in Italian. With all this information the Beastformers Team composed a Megantik page that should hold all the information you were after, including a Checklist showing all 15 Megantik figures that are currently available in Italy!

Click below to visit the Megantik page out here on the Beastformers Blog directly:


Apart from a page containing all the information about the Megantik line so far the Beastformers Team also took it a step further reviewing the line in detail and in comparison to our beloved Battle Beasts line. This review includes various size comparisons between the new Megantik figures and the Battle Beasts, Laser Beasts and Beast Saga lines to give you a proper image of the size and looks of this new line.

It also explains and clarifies the rumor that was going round about Hasbro being involved within this line because in that case the Megantik line could be a Battle Beasts line in disguise!? Whether this is the case and if and how Hasbro is indeed connected to the Megantik line you can read on the Megantik Review page;


It took the Beastformers Team quite a bit of time to compose these pages in the hope to have them as complete as possible but if you feel like there´s some crucial information missing or you´d like to ask some additional questions please let us know or feel free to contact us.

Enjoy the Megantik!

The Beastformers Team

2 thoughts on “Megantik the new line from Italy

  1. Pingback: The Momentary life of the Megantik… | Beastformers Blog

  2. Pingback: The RE-Return of the Megantik | Beastformers Blog

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